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Monday, August 3, 2009

Missing you

Hey, well guess what, I'm getting my Iphone tomorrow, so I'm happy and today I'm going into Mamelodi and looking at an office space for the upcoming Boys and Girls Club. One movie I watched that I like is called, "It's more than just a game," which is about the prisoners that were held on Robben Island, South Africa during the Apartheid years. Well, I can't wait to Skype you all, and I need your numbers please - thanks. Talk to you later.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hi guys havent been getting any comments in and not so many followers so if you can leave your comments. hOPE ALL IS WELL CHECK THIS PICTURE OF IT was at the USA SOCCER GAME VERSUS ITALY I WAS ON THE NEWSPAPER IT WAS SO . So just remember to leave your comments miss you all and happy late birthday to hannah. Bye.