Hi everybody, hope your doing fine because I am. Life in South Africa has been good its amazing how short the grass is here becasue its like your walking on a green in a golf field its so short. I'm doing good I am having a good time seeing grama and grampa and cousins and aunt's and uncle's. Its weird adult you call aunty or uncle instead of Mr or Mrs its really weird. I still cannot wait till I get my camera im just so exited. It was cool today at 7:30pm we were running around in a apartment playing kinda like tag and a old lady came out complaining because we were being loud I just dont get it because it was 7:30 its not like they are trying to go to sleep or something. I like it here and I can get use to it here. Its weird while I'm updating my blog and Im spelling because like becasue but I went back and spelt it correctly. I hop[e you guys are doing good and I really dont have anything more to say have a good time bye.