blog visit count

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Life is good we got a new dog and named her lucy. We are moving closer to our cousins and we will be in cycling distance. I have a new hobby which is fishing and I sold my ipad to fill my tackle box and pod a pod and alarm for carp fishing, and a new rod and reel for bass fishing. The place where we're moving has allot of kids so I'll get some friends. I'm starting to save for a Ipod touch because I sold my Ipad and can't get on Skype as much. I do homeschool at home with my mom most of the time but now that my mom is packing I'm working at my dads office with my brother and cousins now. I need to start drumming again I had a drum teacher but now that we're moving I have to go to drum lessons somewhere else. I didn't like my old drum teacher so I'm pretty glad. Remind me to keep posting. Bye.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quick feedback

Ok....from now on I need to carry a camera with me, theres been some halarious things Ive seen. Like a little kid was running around a circle and running and running and he was laughing until he faceplanted and started crying. poor kid but frikken halarious. will update later.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Been here for 15 months and still alive and going!!

Hey guys, wow I haven't updated my blog in over a year I need to get started again. Life in South Africa isn't like it is when you just visit for 1-3weeks staying at nice places and helping the people. Wow I never thought it would be so hard here. I have 2 friends (the one is 16 and the other 9) and they are moving today so I'm not looking forward to that. I've really been enjoying school and especially math and science because In science we do three experiments every 10-15pages and we write lab reports about them (I'm doing seventh grade apolagia science). It's really cool because every week for math and science we have a online course that has live feedback from our teacher overseas so thats really cool.

 I'm going to the US in December and can't wait to see you guys. I thought I could make some money and I'm gonna start a biltong place( biltong is dried meat with spices, really good you might have heard me talk about it) and I'm going to sell the biltong at Rugby stadiums so thats tomorrow. Every once in awhile(every 2 weeks) I visit my uncles farm with my cousins and go fishing,riding motor bike,climbing, of course blowing stuff up and some other cool things. last weekend I went to the farm and we had to pull a 800pound cow out of a river after being stuck there for two days.

 You could only see the head and a little bit of the back. That took three hours getting out while also being cautious for poison snakes (puffadder,spitting cobra,wrinkles,nightadder and more). We have a small house ( we are renting it) but its fine for now we would just like a bigger garden. As you might know I have a dog Jenks as in Jenks, Oklahoma, and he is a nice dog. He is a Jack-Russell and he can be really annoying some times but overall he's a great dog and he's helped allot in our family. While I hope you guys are good and can't wait to see most of you in December I'll update tomorrow.Bye.

God Bless,

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Catchin up

Hey guys hows it going? HOPE ALL IS WELL guess what i broke my tooth so I never thought it was bad until I went to a dentist. He said I have to have a root canal. that is where they have to give me a injection and put me to sleep well Im asleep they would cut a nerve in my tooth which would kill my tooth and it would never grow. So 2 days (today)before that had to happen I went to another dentist he was way better and said i dont need a root canal done so what he did he drilled out the non permenit filling and gave me a injection in my mouth to num it and he put in a permenit filling so I dont have to have a root canal. I am so glad even that it meant going through that pain at least i dont have to have a root canal. Give me your numbers I want to phone you. Heres some pictures of my tooth with a non permenit filling now I have a permenit but I dont have any pictures of my new filling.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Missing you

Hey, well guess what, I'm getting my Iphone tomorrow, so I'm happy and today I'm going into Mamelodi and looking at an office space for the upcoming Boys and Girls Club. One movie I watched that I like is called, "It's more than just a game," which is about the prisoners that were held on Robben Island, South Africa during the Apartheid years. Well, I can't wait to Skype you all, and I need your numbers please - thanks. Talk to you later.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hi guys havent been getting any comments in and not so many followers so if you can leave your comments. hOPE ALL IS WELL CHECK THIS PICTURE OF IT was at the USA SOCCER GAME VERSUS ITALY I WAS ON THE NEWSPAPER IT WAS SO . So just remember to leave your comments miss you all and happy late birthday to hannah. Bye.